Friday, November 12, 2010

18th MixBrasil Film Festival of Sexual Diversity

The 18th MixBrasil Film Festival of Sexual Diversity is taking place from November the 11th to the18th in São Paulo. It started at the beginning of the 90ies and it was the first time in Brazil that GLS organized in such a big art festival. This edition is going to screen 105 movies. The Festival was opened by the movie of Javier Fuentes-León's Peruvian drama Contracorriente / Undertow, that gaines a Best Foreign Language Film Oscar submission. The South American films gained special attention in the festival but the rest of the world is not unrepresented.

Not only movies but other activities will happen at the same time. On Saturday, the workshop"how to shoot a sex scene", at the Museum of Image and Sound (MIS), the directors of Tata Amaral, Malu de Martino and Carlos Alberto Ricelli , as well as guests from Germany and France to discuss with the public the process of creating sequences. The Mix Music - music arm of the event - brings bands like Mercenárias, Comodoro Truffaut and Daniel Peixoto to the Olido Gallery on Sunday and Monday.

When: November the 11th to the 18th
Where: Many cinema of the city. Check out the list.
How much: Different prices, according to the Cinema.

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