The museum does not provide a counselor to explain more about some of the events and objects anyway the rest of the staff can give you some more details about the material. Tostart the visit, go to the smoothiest session of the Museum with objects and pictures about drugs and forgery. Gaming machines, the polygraph, also known as lie detector, pictures of old cars and miniature doors with signs of break-ins make up this section.
For those who want to experience more adrenaline, the images containing accidents with fatalities can be quite shocking. The famous building Joelma, which caught fire in 1974, won a photo gallery to show the visitor some of this sad story that marked that decade with his tragedy. Did you ever heard about the Red Light Bandit? Well he was arrested in 1967 for stealing 300 homes and killing four people. His nickname is due to the strange habit of switching all the lights off and to commit his crimes with only a lantern light red. He even got a movie. You'll find many of these real stories at the Police Musem, defenitely not for everyone!
Where: Praça Professor Reinaldo Porchat, 219, Cidade Universitária - São Paulo
When: Tuesday to Friday from 1 pm to 5 pm
Phone: (11) 3039-3460
How much: For free
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