The World Cup 2014 and the Rio Olympic Games 2016 will be the basis of the discussions on improvements of degraded areas of the host cities. The event offers workshops aiming to improve the facilities.
The 8ª Bienal Internacional de Arquitetura (8th International Biennial of Architecture) has established a permanent forum to suggest new ways of architecting public spaces with less impact to the environment.
There are famouns Architects around the world attending to this event, among them: the Swiss Jacques Herzog, the Spanish Jordi Farres, the Portuguese Nuno Portas and Manuel Graça Dias, the Italian Roberto Zancan and many others.
Where: Parque do Ibirapuera at Prédio da Bienal (Biennial building).
When: October 31st to December 6th, Tuesday to Thursday, from midday till 10pm. Friday to Sunday, from 10am to 10pm.
How Much: R$ 12.
Website: www.8bia.com.br/
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