Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Where to buy antiques in Sao Paulo

São Paulo offers plenty of options of antique art objects and furniture. There are special places where it's possible to find the specific object you want. Check it out down here:

Antiques Fair of Bixiga
The Antique Fair of Bixiga happens on a square called Praça Dom Orione and brings a bit of everything from antique furniture to books and records. One wing is dedicated solely to second hand segment. It happens on Sundays, from 8am till 6pm. Take a time to spend checking out everything on the square. The Velhiquário (shop at Rua Treze de Maio, 752) sells religious art, sculptures and porcelain. If you are hungry, the region is famous for traditional Italian Cuisine. The Capuano is the oldest restaurant in the city in continuous operation and is less than 500 meters from the square.
Where: Praça Dom Orione — Bela Vista — São Paulo
When: Sunday from 8am till 6pm.

Antiques Fair Design MuBE
Antiquarian from the states of Sao Paulo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Paraná, Pernambuco and Bahia arrive every Sunday from 10am to 6pm to the fair of the Museu Brasileiro da Escultura (Brazilian Museum of Sculpture). There are few tents in an area really well-organized. But the biggest asset is the quality of art objects. There are pre-Columbian, Brazilian and European furniture, porcelain, lamps, tables and carpets, as well as rare books and documents. At your choice!
Where: Avenida Europa, 218 — Pinheiros
When: Sunday, from 10am to 18pm.
Phone: (11) 3081-8611.

Antiques Fair MASP
The Antique Fair of MASP works since 1979 and on 2009 completes thirty years of existence. It is organized by the Antique Dealers Association of the State of São Paulo (AAESP) and occurs on Sundays from 10am to 5pm. This fair gathers war's artifacts, cameras, porcelain, crystal and silverware, among several other items. Be sure to give a step on this fair on MASP, whose collection is considered the most important in Latin America.
Where: Av. Paulista, 1578 — Bela Vista
When: Sunday, from 10am till 5pm.
Phone: (11) 3257-4514.

Fair Art and Culture of Praça Benedito Calixto
It is one of the most famous of the city. Operating since 1987 it put together more than 300 exhibitors. In addition to antiques, and decorative items and even vinyl records, has a constant cultural attendance. There is project called 'Chorinho na Praça' (Chorinho is a Brazilian music style) set it as a characteristic soundtrack to the square and works from 2h30pm till 6h30. The project Autor da Praça (the Author's Square) takes place twice a month and hosts new authors and literary exhibitions. Enjoy walking in this rich region. In the Cardeal Arcoverde Street, there are several furniture stores. Most of them are in the section between the streets Cônego Eugênio Leite e Dr. Virgilio de Carvalho Pinto. Check it out!
Where: Praça Benedito Calixto - Pinheiros
When: Saturday, from 8am till 6pm.
Phone: (11) 3064-8894.

Began Antiques
This store has 100 years of history and more than 2 thousand pieces spread over five floors. It is the largest collection of antique Baccarat chandeliers in Latin America. It also has crystal, candlesticks and furniture of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
Where: Rua da Consolação, 2250 - Consolação
Phone: (11) 3257-0200

Casarão Arte e Antiguidades
Working in Sao Paulo since 2008, this shop has twenty years of story in Curitiba, capital of Paraná State. The focus is the Brazilian furniture from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. There are also precious sculptures signed by famous Brazilian sculptors such as Antonio Francisco Lisboa (1730-1814), Aleijadinho, and Mestre Valentim (1745-1813).
Where: Rua Padre João Manoel, 1242 - Jardim Paulista
Phone: (11) 3969-0883

This store is specialized in pieces of the Art Deco design movement that influenced the artistic and architectural production in the early twentieth century. The collection also features beautiful pieces of murano.
Where: Rua Dr. Melo Alves, 369 - Jardim Paulista
Phone: (11) 3062-4805

Country House Antiques
The store brings the mood of a cottage, as it says the name. The pieces are scattered throughout two floors of the house, as if they were part of the decoration. It is specialized in European furniture.
Where: Rua Padre João Manoel, 1242 - Jardim Paulista
Phone: (11) 3064-2119

James Lisboa Escritorio de Arte
The office of the auctioneer James Lisboa sells art works. The pieces are made by Brazilian artists (or living in Brazil), already well know in the market. The highlights are the art works of the Brazilian modernists Lasar Segall, Di Cavalcanti and Portinari. It also promotes auctions and exhibitions.
Where: Rua Dr. Melo Alves, 389 - Jardim Paulista
Phone: (11) 3081-6581

Juliana Benfatti
The store specializes in European furniture, fitted with French, Italian and English. But there are also copies of the eighteenth century Brazilian and some Moroccan and Indian items. The objects are arranged throughout the environment, including a nice outdoor garden.
Where: Rua Sampaio Vidal, 786 - Jardim Paulistano
Phone: (11) 3083-7858
[source: Portal Veja São Paulo]

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